Earplugs for Sleeping
If you need earplugs for sleeping it’s possibly because you live next to an airport, a railway, or maybe even a construction site.
Chances are, however, it’s because you sleep next to someone who snores, and rather than smothering them with a pillow one evening, you thought earplugs for sleeping might be a better idea to begin with.
And if that’s the case, we’re glad you’re here. Because if you’re looking for custom molded earplugs, you’re obviously the kind of person who likes to do a job properly.
Custom molded earplugs vs regular earplugs
Have you tried regular earplugs for sleeping already? They’re OK. They’re cheap, and they’re going to be an improvement on the horrendous noise coming from the pillow beside you.
But they won’t give you the kind of sleep that, ironically enough, you’ve been dreaming of. They won’t give you the ‘close your eyes and you’re gone for ten hours’ kind of sleep. They won’t give you the ‘I don’t care how often you get up to go to the toilet’ kind of sleep.
You can only get that with a pair of earplugs that have been made to fit your ears. Custom molded earplugs for sleeping, that is, not with something that looks like it should be used as packaging.

Custom molded earplugs for sleeping
So if you want to save your sleep, if you want to save your relationship, then you need a pair of custom molded earplugs.
They’re more affordable than you think. We can turn them around in less than an hour, and they’re made with the highest medical grade hypoallergenic silicone, so they are safe to use and won’t hurt your ears, ever. If you’re using disposables right now, you’re probably spending more every year already.
So don’t leave it another night. You never know what might happen. Give us a call on 0411 186 989 now, or contact us.
More about custom molded earplugs here