Earplugs for Swimming
You need earplugs with a watertight seal, otherwise there’s going to be a tiny trickle of water seeping in that can lead to swimmer’s ear. That’s why you need a pair of custom molded earplugs for swimming, as it’s the only way to ensure a perfect fit, keep out the water and prevent infection.
Earplugs for swimming, in less than an hour.
We can take a mold of your ear, and produce a pair of custom earplugs from the highest medical grade hypoallergenic silicone in under an hour. We’ve done this for thousands of swimmers over the years, even helped a champion or two.
Have you ever had regular earplugs fall out halfway through a race? That’ll never happen again. Custom molded earplugs for swimming only come out when you take them out.
They’re more affordable than you think, generally last about five years and if you’re based in Sydney you could have them tomorrow, if you want.

Keep out the water, keep out the infection.
Swimmers Ear is an infection often caused by water in the ear canal, and it doesn’t matter how clean or dirty the water is. If water is present, it creates a moist environment for bacteria to breed in your ear canal, leading to extreme pain, and potential hearing loss if left untreated. But at least you know how to avoid that now. Custom molded earplugs for swimming, of course.
Earplugs for swimming, made for children too
Kids have narrow ear canals so when water gets in it can stay there. Bacteria breeds and you’ve got a crying child on your hands. Fortunately for you and your child, we can produce custom molded earplugs for kids too, so if they’ve ever had swimmer’s ear before, give us a call before it happens again. We can help.
Custom molded earplugs for swimming.
So what are you waiting for?
Give us a call on 0411 186 989 now, or contact us.
More about custom molded earplugs here Book an appointment now